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Trying something new benefits your mind and body

The time you spend doing these things becomes more memorable.

As we get older time can appear to just vanish. This is partly due to life stabilising and becoming routine. You get up, have breakfast, go to work, have lunch, come home, get dinner, do a few chores, watch a bit of TV and go to bed! This means that the days are very similar and merge into each other.

Doing something new things allows our minds to mark the time (hopefully special memories) that is passing.

You become braver

At present the thought of doing something new may fill you with fear. Hopefully not, but even for the brave amongst us there is a tingle of fear or excitement for the unknown to come. By actually doing the new thing you prove to yourself that it was OK to do the new thing. Even if it didn’t go as you had hoped it was still OK. This means that the mind remembers that next time and you feel braver.

So, when you try the unknown (and especially when you try it over and over and over), you realise that your mind is usually just exaggerating—that the worst outcome is rarely the true outcome.

Fear is the other side of the coin to excitement. Doing something new encourages the excitement side to be heads up. 

You will find out more about yourself.

 Doing something new will help you (further) define your likes and dislikes. It’s ok to try something and find that you don’t like it or enjoy it.

Knowing your likes and dislikes can help you in your life.

Increases your creativity

Trying something new actually increases your creative capacity and brain power, by creating new pathways.

You (are likely to) feel good

You will get a sense of accomplishment when you have done it.

Starting something new can be scary and hard, and it might be something that you want to avoid. Find a way of just starting - taking that first step. It is often a good idea to tell someone that you are going to do it. Saying it out loud can give you the nudge you need.

Doing something despite your fears will teach you to that it is ok and next time it will feel a bit better.  It’s ok if once you try you are no good at it. It doesn’t matter. You didn’t avoid it, you had a go.

What are you going to do?


If you want help to explore new things or need a hand to find your brave pants then book a free video call consultation.


There is another way ...